...and because it would have meant the world to me to see a less terrifying picture of someone suffering from Graves Eye Disease when I was first diagnosed, I am being open to my journey and posting this picture that I would have previously deleted.
Thanks to Marlene Duperley of Doris New York for helping me face the camera straight on.
I have CHILLS! YGN! Love you for being so strong MUSE God Bless you!
Bold move Boss Lady! Aside from being transparent...You're so FABULOUS@Heart! Inspiring others…It's not what we do, it's who we are! Who's inspiring those who Inspirer, who is motivating the Motivators? I want to get out the boat so I can walk on the water, my inspiration/motivation is bleak…What did Jay do when uninspired? He took the mountain to Moses….with that said...I'll see you soon!